Tuesday 27 November 2012

OUGD405 Design Process 'What is Research?' Part 1

'Process is more important then outcome'
When the outcome drives the process we will only ever go to where we've already been. If process drives outcome we may not know where we're going, but we will know we want to be there.' - An incomplete manifesto for growth- Bruce Mau Design in 2006
Design doesnt just straighten and clarify the world, it reflects the world as its ventures beyond...
Research Theme: Being Confident (group 7)
Definition of Confident:
Marked by assurance, as of success.
Marked by confidence in oneself; self-assured. 
Very bold; presumptuous.
Obsolete Confiding; trustful.
Full trust
Belief in the powers
reliability of a person
belief in yourself and your abilities
Assurance/ Reliance. Back Bone
What is confidence?
Confidence is simply your strength of belief that you can play the shot you want. Have enough of it, mix it with passion and skill, and your belief turns into KNOWING – or what I call congruence. There are two types of belief that determine your confidence level:
a) Global beliefs about yourself as a person or “self belief” – eg “I am …” statements, such as “I am naturally talented/athletic/a great learner/…”
b) Specific beliefs about your ability to play certain shots – eg “I can…” or “I’m good at…” statements, such as “I can drive/putt/chip/play bunker shots really well”
Both types of belief create or destroy your confidence, depending on how they make you feel. For example believing “I’m never good enough” would stop you from using all of your skills during shots and would cause endless dissatisfaction after them too – not too good for confidence!!!
http://www.singlemindedgolf.com/index.php/blog/articles/113-confidence 28th November 2012

Things you need to be confident for:
Public Speaking
Personal Confidence/Self Confidence
What makes you confident:
-Past Experiences-Bullied through the child hood-Knock Backs-Upbringing
-Role Models- Parents- Family- Friends-Celebrities
-Body Language-Eye Contact- Shy away- The way you walk- How you act
How you can become confident:
-Videos Online
Being Confident Themes to research:
-Psycology-Experiments-Wh they lost it
-Improving Confidence- How to boost your confidence
-Apearance- Plastic Surgery- Clothing
-Body Language
-Role Models/Media-Parents, Family, friends, celebrities
-Inner Confidence(not appearance)
-Confidence in other people
My theme- Improving Confidence/Inner Confidence
Improving Confidence
Tv Shows
Socialising-Events to meet people
People relying on substances(alcohol,drugs) to give them confidence
People who physically cant leave their house
Extreme Cases
Being Confident
-Extreme Cases
Physical Appearance
-Body modification
-Media Influence
Role Models
Family Influences
Famous influence
Body Language
What defines it
Genetic/learnt behaviours

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