Monday 19 November 2012

OUGD401- Context of Practise- Beauty Style and Taste


Colour, Layout, Visual Quality

Aesthetic Words

  • Simple
  • Clean
  • Crisp
  • Neat
  • Intricate
  • Eye-Catching
  • Bold
  • Striking
  • Detailed
  • Legible
  • realistic
  • Emotional
  • Dynamic
  • Complimentary
  • Minimalist
  • Memorable
  • Structured
  • Geometric
  • Distinctive
  • Powerful
  • Modern
  • Sophisticated
  • Balanced
  • Proffesional


  • Tacky
  • Overworked
  • Over- Coloured
  • Bad Layout
  • Clashes
  • Over the top
  • Plain
  • Emotionless
  • Unrealistic
  • Cheap
  • Generic
  • Garish
  • Cluttered
  • Overpowering
  • Busy
  • Messy
  • Unclear
  • Illegible
  • Misplaced
  • Common
  • Mediocre
  • Chaotic
  • Underworked
Visual Quality not Visual Response
We had to bring in examples of work that were
-Pure typographic image
-Type and Image
 The images in those categories had to be ones which we liked or disliked. These were the images i chose :

 Image I Like

Image I Don't Like

 Typography Image I Like

Typography I don't Like

Type and Image I like

Type and Image I Don't Like

From these images we had to choose 3 and write 5 descriptive words from the list above that represented them

For the Image Picture i wrote

For the Type and image i wrote

For the Type and image i dont like i wrote

We then had to choose 3 of the images and swap with someone in the class and write what we thought of them after looking at the word for 5 secs we wrote one word for looking at it for 10 seconds we wrote 2 then for looking at them for 20 seconds we wrote 3 words. We then had to decide as to wether this person liked that image or disliked the image.

I correctly guessed my partners likes and dislikes within this image however none of them id of chosen that i liked myself.

After doing these tasks we were asked to make 10 rules that makes good design:
  • All Graphic design needs to legible
  • All Graphic design should be engaging
  • All Graphic design should have a purpose
  • Complex Graphic Design should be clean
  • Colours should be appropriate to conetent
  • Aesthetically appropriate to the certain audience
  • When mixing media it needs to be appropriate
  • Dont overwork it
  • Dont allow the typeface overpower the message
  • The communication and message getting accross should be clear and concise
 We then asked to choose two images from our table that didnt belong to us. These are the images that i chose:
Image 1
Image 2
 As these images do not belong to me i do not have the links for these two images

 Why do these two images fulfill or not fulfill your aesthetic needs?

 Image 1 i find quite amusing, it is quirky, simplistic and humourous the way the bee is attracted to flower without it being too literal. Literally using a few shapes and the space around to create the illusion off a bee. Its clear and concise and the colours used are appropriate. Whereas image 2 doesnt fulfill my aesthetic needs and what i look for in a good piece of Graphic design. Even with the extensive overuse of colours i still find it bland. The colours have no meaning there doesnt look to be a theme and i find that the fact it has a lot of wording taking place makes it look even more cluttered then neccesary jsut because of all the colours but as well the way the sizes of the fonts gets smaller makes it obvious that they have done it so it all fits on one design. It is just the opposite to the first too cluttered and not clear enough. There is no clear message as the layout is all over the place it doesnt look structured even though some text has coloured boxes around just adds to the look of it looking cluttered.

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