Friday 9 November 2012

OUGD403: Design Principles Crit on Message and Delivery

Friday 9th November 2012
During this session we got seperated in to two groups, one group placed there three finished posters on tables and whilst they left the room the other group had to come in and write about 3 different posters. This way we could tell this person the truth without feeling worried about what they would think as it was annonymous. I found this a lot easier to write what i thought rather then telling this person as it was more tuthful and same goes for when reading about them. I knew they were the truth rather then a personal attack on you. So this was very beneficial to me.
Below is what was said about my posters by three different people:
What Statement/fact/question is being communicated to you
Student 1-End terrorism
Student 2-  Stop terroism
Student 3- End terrorism
Is this being communicated in a clear and focused way?
Student 1-Yes
Student 2- Yes
Student 3- Yes
What could be developed further?
Student 1- I feel more experimentation could be shown into the layout of type poster and type and image poster. Like how the image poster has been cropped
Student 2-  I think the positioning ot the text needs to be edited, it conveys a clear message, it's just in some areas its hard to decide which word is next to read
Student 3- Perhaps the image could have been played with a little more e.g mixture of the bomb and peace sign.
Have the posters been kept "Simple and to the point"
Student 1-Yes
Student 2- Yes
Student 3-Yes
Is a Statement, fact or question being posed?
Student 1-Statement has been posed on type and type + image poster using type and the imagery used such as 'peace' sign and bomb symbol convey this message on image poster
Student 2-  I believe a question is being posed, the poster asks to 'help' Its also posing a statement i guess by telling you that the war on terror needs to stop
Student 3- Statement. The words and language is an opinion
Has the restriction of two colours been met?
Student 1- No
Student 2-  No
Student 3- Yes
Are the two colours plus stock appropriated to the sollution?
Student 1-Unsure
Student 2- Yes
Student 3- Yes
Why are the two colours plus stock apropriate/inappropriate?
Student 1- I like the use of red for the word 'terrorism' it links in with the idea of danger and is associated with stop- Which is appropriate for 'stop terrorism'

Image and type+image poster used 3 colours and stock

Student 2- The red works really well to portray the violence. the light blue is a nice, calm peaceful colour which calms the whole piece down
Student 3- Perhaps you could have considered your stock, however it hasn't changed the effect of your poster massively. Colours are strong and represent your themes of terror, danger, stop and calmness. Well its very clear also white for peace 
Do the posters work as a set or a series?
Student 1-Yes
Student 2- Yes
Student 3- Yes
Why do the work/dont work as part of a set or series and could this be developed further?
Student 1-Pease symbol has been used on each poster and similar colours have been used.
Student 2- They all work really well. Maybe make the image poster more clear ! but I really like it
Student 3-The colours match, the layouts also similar, perhaps should have been the same size e.g column width. Peace sign links them altogether, and peace is the main message.
Is it clearly evident which poster is TYPE, IMAGE and TYPE &IMAGE?
Student 1--Yes
Student 2-  Yes
Student 3- No as both your posters with type on have a peace sign, this is an image but it does link the, all together which is good.
Are the posters "memorable, immediate high impact and clear?"
Student 1- Bold typeface used works well and makes an Impact

I like the layout used on image poster, cropping the 'Peace' symbol is interesting

Student 2- Yes very. The colours are brilliant and really stand out. I think using the word 'fight' should be swapped if your to stop terrorism and violence
Student 3-I think they all are memorable especially the ones with the type. high Impact because of the red and they are very clear
Do you feel the brief has been fullfilled to its full pottential?
Student 1-Yes
Student 2-Yes
Student 3- Yes
Further Feedback:
Student 1-Posters show deep research into the subject
Student 2- Clear and to the point
Student 3- An informed opinion, made a judgement, good colours which are symbolic, typeface is good, except on 'War' it should of all been uppercase as it doesnt match the rest of your typeface.

My Opinion

I am very grateful for these comments as it brought to light somethings i hadnt realised and given me ideas to maybe tweak my designs.
On screen my designs had a grey background which was my stock colour however when i printed them out they came out a pale blue and unfortunatley i didnt have enough time to rectify this, so when it came to the crit it was made clear that i hadnt used the write amount of colours.
Also as said above i used an image in my type poster which i will rectify and take that out for my final pieces.
As brought to my attention i will also re word some of my work as i dont want to promote violence and as a student correctly stated writing the word 'fight' is confusing to the audience as it would seem to be promoting the violence when im wanted to get accross to stop it.
Overall i am happy with my final pieces and pleased with what my fellow students had to say it has really been beneficial to get a truthful opinion on my work and informing me on ways i can improve them.

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