Sunday 4 November 2012

OUGD401 Study Task 2 Analyse College Prospectus 2012-2013

Analysis of LCA 2012-2013 Prospectus

Front Cover
First impressions of the prospectus was that it doesnt tell me anything about the college, it doesnt look creative, doesnt make me want to pick it up and carry on reading, it looks cheap, rushed and not thought out at all. A prospectus especially of a institution about Art and Design should have one of the best prospectus and  sadly this doesnt say anything about the abilities of the college, tutors or pupil. Its trying to be simplistic and minimal but this is a great example of being too simplified to a point where u wouldnt even glance at it,
Below are my reasons why and some solutions:
-The front cover has a dark blue background with red block text saying 'WE ARE THE STATE OF THE ART'  I find that the colours used dont compliment eachother it just makes it look more dark and dingy. It isnt vibrant enough to catch the viewers attention and make them want to even pick it up never mind open it and to carry on reading on. I think to improve it would have looked a lot better if the text were to perhaps been white at least it would have stood out or even a bright orange the suited the tone of the blue. These colours should have been experimented with when they are together before the printing of the prospectus's and it would have been noted that the red got lost against the blue.
-I find that the actual text doesnt really sound right in my head, i find that it doesnt run smoothly off your tongue, i dont know if thats the actual phrase used however in my opinion it sounds better as 'we are state of the art' its more quick and easy to say, it also shortens it down.
-The Allignment of the text looks to be going more to the left when in actual fact it is centred from the fold of the spine to the sides of the page, however because the spine is the same colour as the rest of the prospectus and it doesnt stand out as a clear line from where the spine starts that extra space makes the text look off centred. This should have been taken  into consideration when alligning the text, and measurements should have been taken including the spine size and also could the designers perhaps experimented having a different coloured spine.
-With the allignment and sizing of the text makes the word 'of'' as its on its own line by itself make it seem like the focal word when in actual fact its not an important word therefore it could be made a size smaller then the rest so it doesnt have all the attention on that word.
-Opening the first page i sort of expected to see vibrancy and creativity instead i came to a page where it broke rules that i had been taught was always one thing you should never do in design and thats to put text in boxes. This is an obvious representation of trying to fill up space and instead it looks messy, untidy, unproffesional and not very attractive at all.
-As the viewer is mainly going to be potential new students they need to know all rellavant info and choosing a uni is a stressful process as it is, you need some rememberable, clear, understanding is make simple and easy. However i feel with this prospectus it invades and takes over with all the text too soon. Theres too much of it and it doesnt make you want to read on.
-Within the prospectus there is barely any colour all text is in black and white, however there is a page that has text agin in boxes (page35) where it randomly uses blue and green text and text boxes. there is no consistancy throughout. The use of colour is only used with in the images and even that makes it look out of place in contrast to the plain looking text.
-I like however the way the paper changes to a glossy paper when it gets to the information about the courses as this makes it stand out more and so it indicates that this is the important part of the prospectus. Plus its the bits where you would go to first when looking. Which makes me wonder why is it right at the back, surely it makes more sense to find out if the course it suited to you before you then read on about  '(page 8) your future career' '(page20) support for students'  '(page 28) about the city itself'
these seem irrelavant up until the new pottential student has checked that there is a course suited to her wants and needs. Maybe it would be a good idea to have a bit of info at the begining about LCA as an introduction then gone into the courses then all the other information.
-The images used within the prospectus seem again put there to fill up the blank space, they dont look as if any thought has gone into the placement of them and the quality of the images are to the best they almost feel quite irrelavant for example pages 36 and 37 why exact;y does the viewer need to see a double page spread of tubs covered in plaster. If anything if you need to fill up space atleast fill it with a creative, impressive piece of work that has been done by a student. Also some of the images arnt even off LCA which doesnt make sense surely thats a form of bad advertising, by advertising something that isnt true.

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