Tuesday 4 December 2012

OUGD405 Research Workshop

Reasons why research is an essential part of the design process:
-Visiting Events/Exhibitions to identify trends, competition and influence
-Setting up focus groups to gain feedback on products/concepts
-Questionaire to gather facts figures and opinions
-Interviewing specialist/proffesionals
-Experimenting with media or productu=ion methodsthing
-Reading design publications.web
-Photographing peoples behaviour/archetecture/documentation
-Observation of real life/the universe and everything
-Watching a film
-Collecting current or historical examples
-Market research into context
10 Research Methods to effectively generate to give you a breadth of source material:
-Photographs/images/visual material
-Data- Number/words need changining into something useful
Ways in which will stop you from researching:
-Expense, can't afford to go or get their
-Dates of events passed your deadline
-Getting people motivated to take part in surveys/questionaires
-Unreliable sources
-Lack of confidence
-Legal barriers-Not allowed to do something (Photographing in certain places not allowed) Restrictions
-Communication- Forms might be in a different language
-Resources could be limited
-Limited Facilities
Inspiration requires an openess to be inspired
This presumes that we already know that something exists that weneed to know.
The task becomes to 'Find out'
What is that we need to know finding out is RESEARCH!
Task 1
Evaluation of our groups research. the weighting of the products and source materials that we have:
Design Process:
Visits 0%
Set ups 0%
Questionaires 75%
Interviews 0%
Experiments 10%
Reading 100%
Observation 10%
Photography 50%
Watching 25%
Collecting 100%
Source Material:
Quotes 75%
Statements 100%
Facts 75%
Statistics 75%
Feedback 90%
Analysis 75%
Photographs (visual material) 90%
Data 100%
Examples 0%
Samples 0%
Document 100%
Opinion 90%
Ways we can improve our research:
-Collect Physical Material and forms of research
-Interview talk to more people
-More obseravtion
-Reliable sources i.e Books/Journals
-Watch programmes about the subject matter
-Photograph more
-Experimenting with outcomes
-Visit places
-Focus groups

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