Sunday 23 December 2012

OUGD401 Lecture: Beginings, A History of Creative Advertising

Beginnings; A history of Creative Advertising

Notes taken from powerpoint

Thinks to take away.
-Key points in the historical narrative presented
-The Contexts (historical, political, economic etc.) in which modern advertising emerged (internationally)
-Aspects of advertising strategy
-The narrative linked to Creative Advertising & New Media
-The Importance of soap
The Plot
-Traces how large-scale colour painitng technology developed in 19c
-Led to the soap ads for Lever Brothers
-Ads and the strategies initiated by Lever Point towards creative advertising giants, Bernbach (DDB) and Hegarty (BBH)
-Integration of art & technology neglected.. Where art and technology meet (Elton, 1968, pvii)
The beginning by Wight
-Advertising, The most fun you can have with your clothes on! (R$, 2009)
-Robin Wight (WCRS) 118 118 &The Future;s bright, The futures orange
-William Hesketh Lever,
(1851-1925) Lever Bros
-Bill Bernbach (1911-1982) DDB first to combine copywriters and art directors

Sunlight, Lux to Lynx
-Lever Brothers founders James Darcy & William Hesketh Lever (1885)
-Today Unilever, 900 brands Ben & Jerry's, Bertolli, Birds Eye, Brooke Bond, Comfort, Lux, Persil, Sunsilk, Sunlight, Surf, Dove.
-Ubiquitous brand, part of the average consumers 'mental furniture' (Lewis, p57)
-Most expensive real estate is the corners of somebody's mind (Hegarty, 2009)

First British Tycoon
To build a gallery and open it up for public. Port sunlight 19c village commissioned by William Hesketh Lever to house his soap factory workers. Centre; Lady Lever

-Lever was born in 1851
1851 Great Exhibition
'Colour printing on a larger scale was not practised until well into the nineteenth century, with the publications generated by the Great Exhibition of 1851' (Elton, 1968, p70)
Photos and 3D technology

Advertising an essential
'An essential component of any competitive market economy: driving growth and dynamism (Hegarty, 2011, p7)

Pre-Packaging (Lewis, 2008)
-1860s cereal companies figured out how to print, fold and fill cardboard boxes mechanically
-John  & William Kellogg
-Soap was sold in long bars to grocers, who stamped (with stamp of marker) and sliced up

The first tablet of soap
-'I was the first to advertise extensively [and pre-package] a the first tablet of soapablet of soap.. the result was i lifted Sunlight soap to a class by itself' (Lever in Lewis, 2008, p62)
-Added brand value through advertising.

 Advertising Boom
-Advertising aided by tax cuts on newspapers 1855 and paper in 1861
-Press (newspapers) owes much to advertising independent.
-News of the world ended when advertisers pulled.

Printing Room
-Technological progress reproduction and colour printing, pictoral ads in magazines 1880s
-1890s technology enabled contemporary paintings to be reproduced
-Sunlight Soap Ad (1890's)

Levers Context
(b1851) Height of the Empire. International trade routes established
-International exhibiton prompted large scale colour printing
-Ad boom fuelled by tax reliefs in 1850s and 60s
-Pre Packaging technology 1860s
-Co. Founder Lever Bros 1885
-1880s colour images and reproductions in magazines
-1890s reproduction of paintings possible

 First Multinational
-Advertising transformed company from a local soap manufacturer in 1885 to one of the worlds first multinationals
-Largest corporation in Britain by 1930

 'Colourful, innovative advertising was crucial to Lever's success'
(Port Sunlight Museum, 2009)

Contemporary Art
-The soap men's extensive use of contemporary paintings in their advertising (Lewis, 2008, p65)
-Used in Sunlight soap ad with copy 'So Clean'
-Copywright (Lever)
-White Linen (sign)
The New Frock (1889) William Powell Firth, Lady Lever Gallery

Alice in Wonderland
-Exhibition Tate Liverpool Nov 2011-29 Jan 2012
-Infant Mortality rate high
-Children popular subject
-Painting and photography
-Signified joy,blessings, purity, innocence and life

First Creative Advertising
-Selecting and presenting contemporary art works (RA) communicated more powerfully a desired message
-Message was told in an interesting and innovative way
-Imagery provided a spectacle and entertainment
-By adding simple endlines, Lever managed to change the meaning of images to his advantage
-Distinct from other advertising that had gone before
-Encouraged consumers to collect vouchers and save for prints of the ads

The First Creative Agencies
-Industry context
-Cracknell (2011) late 19c ad agencies sold space in newspapers commision/negotiations.
-Client created content. Changed with publications (US) Rowell American Newspaper dictionary (UK) follwed-fixed rates to clients
-Agencies offered creative services 20c (21st crowd)

First global campaigns
-Medicine, chocolate and soap manufacturers were among the foremost advertisers (Lewis,2008,p65)
-Sunlight Soap among the first products to feature in a global ad campaign

Innovative Events
-Lever Bros. Switzerland F, H Lavancy- Clarke
-Opening of new offices, organised a washing competition Lake Geneva, 1889
-2x Steamers, washer women, sunlight soap, large crowds and banquet

The Queen of soaps
-Royal Endorsement from 1892 'Soap makers to Queen Vic.
-Queens will have only the best..sunlight soap is so cheap, everybody can afford to use it' [copy]

Investing in Advertising
-Lever spent £2m first two decades of making soap
-1899 Lever purchaseda Philadelphia soap firm owner Sidney Gross became directore
-'Gross was expert at picking the right artist for advertisements' (Lewis,2008,p69)

Ad Expertise
-Lever amassed and was among innovators of advertising expertise
-Advocated truth in advertising is an asset; falsehood in advertising is a liability. Lewis (2008)

Imperial Mission (Lewis)
-To civilize
-No commodity aided more this than soap
-Wash and clothe the native and cleanse the great unwashed of British working classes.
-In Britain advertising posters, packaging brought to a wide audience the notion of imperialism as benign (Lewis,2008,p79)
-Empire was celebrated on biscuits, cigarettes, soap, chocolate: part of the working class fabric.

The successful global campaign
-Levers achievement
-'to convince people all over the world they did not just want this product, they needed it (Port Sunlight Museum,2009)

-Narrative: Wright (43)- Library. So Clean Lewis (2008) Sunlight Vision and Alice in Wonderland Exhibitoons.
-Included historical, political, economic and technological contexts which enbaled Lever's Pioneering eadvertising to emerge.
-Colour printing and reproduction technological development 19c
-Creative advertising strategy, art and copy
-Advertising principles truth and entertainment
-The importance of advertising to an economy, soap to imperialism
-Links to Creative Advertising and New Media (lecture11)

References‘Alice in Wonderland’ [Exhibition]
Tate Liverpool Nov 2011 - 29 Jan 2012

Advertising, The Most Fun You Can Have With Your Clothes On! (R4, 2009)
Mon 12 Jan 2009 20:00 BBC Radio 4

Cracknell (2011)
The Real Mad Men London: Quercus.

The Drum (2008)‘The peacock’s tale: Robin Wight shows his colours’ <accessed 10th Jan 09>

Elton, A. (ed) (1968)
Art and the Industrial Revolution: Evelyn, Adams & Mackay.

Hegarty, J. (2011)
Hegarty on Advertising London: Thames & Hudson.

Leufstedt, S. (2008) D
ove beauty products causes forest destruction, species extinction and climate change (Online) (accessed 31/1/12)

Port Sunlight Museum <accessed 10th Jan 09>

The Unilever Series: Tate Modern

Lewis, B (2008)
So Clean Manchester Press.

Sir John Hegarty [talks] 5th March, 2009 & March, 2010 LCA

Sunlight Vision [Exhibition] Port Sunlight Museum, Port Sunlight Village visited 4
th March 2012

Staff Writer (2012) 'Sorry Harry if it had anything to do with us' - Lynx runs Prince Harry ads’ The Drum [online]

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