Friday 7 December 2012

OUGD405 How to...

How to stop the media from lieing...
Brain Storming Ideas

From our group discussions we had decided that with our research topic being Confidence and this how to was to stop the media from lieing, we instantly came up with the idea of getting the media to stop making females particularly from having bad confidence and self esteem issues. We brainstormed ideas of ways we could portray and in the end we decided to go with the concept of creating a magazine publication as our group researched into it, gossip magazines were the biggest culprits of giving people self esteem issues.
During Research for this we each gave eachother research roles in our group, in my group i colleced magazines that would help the research process and help us gain ideas. As we were working in a group we didnt work in the normal way as we would when we are on our own. Therefore the research that we had done doesnt amount too much but combined we had quite a lot of research and ideas. Unfortunatley in my blog i only have the research that i had found, which is why there isnt much of it.

These are a few of the magazines I collected during the project some. However these arnt all the magazines we used, I did have more except they got taken away to each person in their group if it was relevant to there research. We used 'Heat' Magazine's front cover as inspiration for out cover, as these types of magazines were the biggest culprits of making people feel the way they did, not only that it also displays examples of how they make certain celebrities feel.

Within the magazine we had decided to put in an advert, the person who did the advert looked extensively in to different adverts, this one however was the main inspiration, purely because it is a perfume bottle add that we had taken. The concept of the perfume was that even when you spray perfume on it doesnt change the way you look or feel you just smell slightly nicer.
Below are three different aticles that are portraying celebs basicly slating them for there looks. Also we took inspiration from the layout design that is taking place. We wanted our magazine to look like an exact replica of an original magazine because we would then send it to the magazine companys to show them there affects so it was important that we replicated this well, using similar colours and boxes around the imagery.

We took inspiration from pull outs that you get from magazines, these are two adverts that you get in them aswell. The group member that was in charge of designing the pull outs also took inspiration from the perfume samples you get from magazines aswell.
Examples of layouts

This was the page i within the magazine research that would be a good layout for the basis of our magazine,  i liked this design because it was simple and it would leave us with the right amount of pages to show our magazine the way we wanted it to be seen. After showing my group this page we decided that this would be the layout however to come up with a new idea to display the front.


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