Sunday 23 December 2012

OUGD401 Lecture Graffiti and Street Art

Caves at Lascaux, France

Drawings and paintings on cave walls from the Paleolithic period (17, 300 years old)
Discovered in 1940 by four teenagers
Depicting scenes of everyday life, hunting etc.
scratched with animal bones, natural pigments
The cave complex was opened to the public in 1948.[5] By 1955, the carbon dioxide produced by 1,200 visitors per day had visibly damaged the paintings. The cave was closed to the public in 1963 in order to preserve the art. After the cave was closed, the paintings were restored to their original state, and were monitored on a daily basis
Lascaux II, a replica of two of the cave halls — the Great Hall of the Bulls and the Painted Gallery —was opened in 1983, 200 meters from the original.[4] Reproductions of other Lascaux artwork can be seen at the Centre of Prehistoric Art at Le Thot, France.

Ancient Roman Graffiti

From Pompeii (Italy)– graffiti on wall
Pompeii was destroyed and completely buried during a long catastrophic eruption of the volcano Mount Vesuvius spanning two days in the year AD 79.
Pompeii was destroyed and completely buried during a long catastrophic eruption of the volcano Mount Vesuvius spanning two days in the year AD 79. The eruption buried Pompeii under 4 to 6 meters or 10 feet of ash and pumice, and it was lost for nearly 1700 years before its accidental rediscovery in 1749. Since then, its excavation has provided an extraordinarily detailed insight into the life of a city at the height of the Roman Empire
Similar vulgarities to contemporary sexual graffitti

1970's New York
Spay can graffitti
Evolves alongside hip hop culture
Making the language of the streets visible
Announcing a presence, and saying ‘we will not be ignored’1970’s NY, disco, mainstream culture
Nile Rogers (chic), Studio 54
"Le Freak" is Atlantic Records’ only triple platinum selling single
From on Becoming a Graffiti photgrapher, John Naar
-"you will see that the vast majority of these writers came from the most run-down and neglected sections of New York.. Predominantly Hispanic and African American. The graffiti they sprayed on the fronts of their homes and on the trains.. were a cry for change from tge ghetto to clean up the filthy streets, to improve the quality of the schools, and to reduce the glaring inequality between rich and poor." (p20)

Originally a comic character created by Basquiat
The City As School 1977-8 Yearbook includes a photo of the SAMO graffiti: SAMO@ AS AN ALTERNATIVE TO PLASTIC FOOD STANDS…
“It started…as a private joke and then grew” Diaz and Basquiat would later tell the Village Voice in an interview. They took the joke out of the school, giving out small stickers with SAMO aphorisms or the SAMO pamphlet on paper on the subway, and writing down the phrases with marker pens as graffiti, often with an ironic copyright symbol attached. In 1977, while they were still students, Basquiat and Diaz started to put up the first SAMO© Graffiti in Manhattan.

Warhol and Basquitat
General Electtic with waiter, 1984
One of Americas largest corporations
Calloborated towards the end of his life, Basquiat died of a heroin overdoes 18 months after Warhol
In 1981 he sketched his first chalk drawings on black paper and painted plastic, metal and found objects
In 1984, Haring visitied Australia and painted wall murals in Melbourne
Other commisions- Rio, Paris, Berlin

123 Klan (France)
Founded as a graffiti crew in 1989 by Scien and Klor, have gradually turned their hands to illustration and design while still maintaining their graffiti practice and style. In doing so they have designed and produced logos and illustrations, shoes and fashion for the likes of Nike, Adidas, Lamborghini, Coca Cola, Stussy, Sony, Nasdag and more.

Free Art Friday
Free Art Friday is an art movement in which artists place free art out in public for people to enjoy and take home.
Here is how it works:
Create a piece of art.

write on an attached tag "free art friday, to take home and enjoy". Adding artist name,  email,or web address is optional.
Hide somewhere in public indoors or out.
Some make a game out of it and leave clues on Twitter
While artists have been leaving art out for many years My Dog Sighs can be credited with starting Free Art Friday and started his Flickr group in 2006. He has never wavered in his comittment, and his encouragement of others participating has made him a leader in the movement. Here is his Free Art Friday Facebook Page and his own  FAF set on flickr

Banksy, 2005
-"The israeli government is building a wall surrounding the occupied Palestinian territories. It stands three times the height of the Berlin Wall and will eventually run for over 700km- the distance from London to Zurich. The wall is illegal under international law and essentially turns Palestine into the worlds largest open Prison. It also makes it the ultimate activity holiday destination for graffiti writers."

Graffiti in Film
-80 Blocks from tiffany (1979) - A rare glimpse into late 70s New York towards the end of the infamous South Bronx gangs. The documentary shows many sides of the mainly Puerto Rican community of the South Bronx, inlcuidng reformed gang members, current gang members, the police and the community leaders who try to reach out to them.
-Style wars (1983) an early documentary on hip hop culture made in New York City
-"Exit through the Gift Shop (2010) is a documentary produced by the notorious artist Banksy tells the story of Thierry Guetta, a french immigrant in LA, and his obsession with street art. Shepherd Fairet and Invader (artist(, who guetta discovers is his cousin, are also in the film.
Bomb it (2007) Tells the story of contemporary graffiti, tracing its roots in ancient roch painting through Picasso to its place in hip hop culture in 1970's New York City. Directore Jon Reiss

OUGD401 Lecture: Beginings, A History of Creative Advertising

Beginnings; A history of Creative Advertising

Notes taken from powerpoint

Thinks to take away.
-Key points in the historical narrative presented
-The Contexts (historical, political, economic etc.) in which modern advertising emerged (internationally)
-Aspects of advertising strategy
-The narrative linked to Creative Advertising & New Media
-The Importance of soap
The Plot
-Traces how large-scale colour painitng technology developed in 19c
-Led to the soap ads for Lever Brothers
-Ads and the strategies initiated by Lever Point towards creative advertising giants, Bernbach (DDB) and Hegarty (BBH)
-Integration of art & technology neglected.. Where art and technology meet (Elton, 1968, pvii)
The beginning by Wight
-Advertising, The most fun you can have with your clothes on! (R$, 2009)
-Robin Wight (WCRS) 118 118 &The Future;s bright, The futures orange
-William Hesketh Lever,
(1851-1925) Lever Bros
-Bill Bernbach (1911-1982) DDB first to combine copywriters and art directors

Sunlight, Lux to Lynx
-Lever Brothers founders James Darcy & William Hesketh Lever (1885)
-Today Unilever, 900 brands Ben & Jerry's, Bertolli, Birds Eye, Brooke Bond, Comfort, Lux, Persil, Sunsilk, Sunlight, Surf, Dove.
-Ubiquitous brand, part of the average consumers 'mental furniture' (Lewis, p57)
-Most expensive real estate is the corners of somebody's mind (Hegarty, 2009)

First British Tycoon
To build a gallery and open it up for public. Port sunlight 19c village commissioned by William Hesketh Lever to house his soap factory workers. Centre; Lady Lever

-Lever was born in 1851
1851 Great Exhibition
'Colour printing on a larger scale was not practised until well into the nineteenth century, with the publications generated by the Great Exhibition of 1851' (Elton, 1968, p70)
Photos and 3D technology

Advertising an essential
'An essential component of any competitive market economy: driving growth and dynamism (Hegarty, 2011, p7)

Pre-Packaging (Lewis, 2008)
-1860s cereal companies figured out how to print, fold and fill cardboard boxes mechanically
-John  & William Kellogg
-Soap was sold in long bars to grocers, who stamped (with stamp of marker) and sliced up

The first tablet of soap
-'I was the first to advertise extensively [and pre-package] a the first tablet of soapablet of soap.. the result was i lifted Sunlight soap to a class by itself' (Lever in Lewis, 2008, p62)
-Added brand value through advertising.

 Advertising Boom
-Advertising aided by tax cuts on newspapers 1855 and paper in 1861
-Press (newspapers) owes much to advertising independent.
-News of the world ended when advertisers pulled.

Printing Room
-Technological progress reproduction and colour printing, pictoral ads in magazines 1880s
-1890s technology enabled contemporary paintings to be reproduced
-Sunlight Soap Ad (1890's)

Levers Context
(b1851) Height of the Empire. International trade routes established
-International exhibiton prompted large scale colour printing
-Ad boom fuelled by tax reliefs in 1850s and 60s
-Pre Packaging technology 1860s
-Co. Founder Lever Bros 1885
-1880s colour images and reproductions in magazines
-1890s reproduction of paintings possible

 First Multinational
-Advertising transformed company from a local soap manufacturer in 1885 to one of the worlds first multinationals
-Largest corporation in Britain by 1930

 'Colourful, innovative advertising was crucial to Lever's success'
(Port Sunlight Museum, 2009)

Contemporary Art
-The soap men's extensive use of contemporary paintings in their advertising (Lewis, 2008, p65)
-Used in Sunlight soap ad with copy 'So Clean'
-Copywright (Lever)
-White Linen (sign)
The New Frock (1889) William Powell Firth, Lady Lever Gallery

Alice in Wonderland
-Exhibition Tate Liverpool Nov 2011-29 Jan 2012
-Infant Mortality rate high
-Children popular subject
-Painting and photography
-Signified joy,blessings, purity, innocence and life

First Creative Advertising
-Selecting and presenting contemporary art works (RA) communicated more powerfully a desired message
-Message was told in an interesting and innovative way
-Imagery provided a spectacle and entertainment
-By adding simple endlines, Lever managed to change the meaning of images to his advantage
-Distinct from other advertising that had gone before
-Encouraged consumers to collect vouchers and save for prints of the ads

The First Creative Agencies
-Industry context
-Cracknell (2011) late 19c ad agencies sold space in newspapers commision/negotiations.
-Client created content. Changed with publications (US) Rowell American Newspaper dictionary (UK) follwed-fixed rates to clients
-Agencies offered creative services 20c (21st crowd)

First global campaigns
-Medicine, chocolate and soap manufacturers were among the foremost advertisers (Lewis,2008,p65)
-Sunlight Soap among the first products to feature in a global ad campaign

Innovative Events
-Lever Bros. Switzerland F, H Lavancy- Clarke
-Opening of new offices, organised a washing competition Lake Geneva, 1889
-2x Steamers, washer women, sunlight soap, large crowds and banquet

The Queen of soaps
-Royal Endorsement from 1892 'Soap makers to Queen Vic.
-Queens will have only the best..sunlight soap is so cheap, everybody can afford to use it' [copy]

Investing in Advertising
-Lever spent £2m first two decades of making soap
-1899 Lever purchaseda Philadelphia soap firm owner Sidney Gross became directore
-'Gross was expert at picking the right artist for advertisements' (Lewis,2008,p69)

Ad Expertise
-Lever amassed and was among innovators of advertising expertise
-Advocated truth in advertising is an asset; falsehood in advertising is a liability. Lewis (2008)

Imperial Mission (Lewis)
-To civilize
-No commodity aided more this than soap
-Wash and clothe the native and cleanse the great unwashed of British working classes.
-In Britain advertising posters, packaging brought to a wide audience the notion of imperialism as benign (Lewis,2008,p79)
-Empire was celebrated on biscuits, cigarettes, soap, chocolate: part of the working class fabric.

The successful global campaign
-Levers achievement
-'to convince people all over the world they did not just want this product, they needed it (Port Sunlight Museum,2009)

-Narrative: Wright (43)- Library. So Clean Lewis (2008) Sunlight Vision and Alice in Wonderland Exhibitoons.
-Included historical, political, economic and technological contexts which enbaled Lever's Pioneering eadvertising to emerge.
-Colour printing and reproduction technological development 19c
-Creative advertising strategy, art and copy
-Advertising principles truth and entertainment
-The importance of advertising to an economy, soap to imperialism
-Links to Creative Advertising and New Media (lecture11)

References‘Alice in Wonderland’ [Exhibition]
Tate Liverpool Nov 2011 - 29 Jan 2012

Advertising, The Most Fun You Can Have With Your Clothes On! (R4, 2009)
Mon 12 Jan 2009 20:00 BBC Radio 4

Cracknell (2011)
The Real Mad Men London: Quercus.

The Drum (2008)‘The peacock’s tale: Robin Wight shows his colours’ <accessed 10th Jan 09>

Elton, A. (ed) (1968)
Art and the Industrial Revolution: Evelyn, Adams & Mackay.

Hegarty, J. (2011)
Hegarty on Advertising London: Thames & Hudson.

Leufstedt, S. (2008) D
ove beauty products causes forest destruction, species extinction and climate change (Online) (accessed 31/1/12)

Port Sunlight Museum <accessed 10th Jan 09>

The Unilever Series: Tate Modern

Lewis, B (2008)
So Clean Manchester Press.

Sir John Hegarty [talks] 5th March, 2009 & March, 2010 LCA

Sunlight Vision [Exhibition] Port Sunlight Museum, Port Sunlight Village visited 4
th March 2012

Staff Writer (2012) 'Sorry Harry if it had anything to do with us' - Lynx runs Prince Harry ads’ The Drum [online]

Thursday 13 December 2012

OUGD401 Context of Practise Art,Graphic Design and 'Value'

What are the differences between fine art and Graphic Design?
-Graphic Design more commercial
-Graphic Designers work for other people when artists work for themselves
-Graphic Design has a more concrete message/purpose whereas fine art is open interpretation
-Fine art lasts forever while Graphic Design is disposable, for example you see Graphic Design on leaflets and they just get thrown away and not apreciated
-Fine art classed as a high culture along with ballet,opera,cavier whereas Graphic design is more mainstream appeals to everyone. Money makes fine art classed a high culture class distinction to seperate your from normal people (working/middle class) why do they them? To show off not to become inspired.
-Fine art whilst its well known, i dont think its appreciated as much meaning wise it doesnt neccessarily mean anything, whereas Graphic Design has a purpose.
-Communication vs Expression
-Graphic design has a clear process, conveys meaning clearly in contrast fine art needs something to back it up
-Graphic design aims to be understandable whereas fine art deosnt have an aim unless you are from a hierarchy.
-Designers have an anonymity to it whereas artists have their work signed/style that is well recognized.
-Mass produced vs individual creation thereofre fine art is limited can only be used at one time, because it is a one off therefore it is worth more.
Arishman. M (2003) 'Is there a fine art to illustration?'
Created a hierarchy of the specialisms:
-Fine art is pure
-Illustration is the begining of selling out
-Graphic Design is commercial Art
-Advertising is selling-Period

Pure is a loose term yet if Graphic Design was just trying to sell then why does fine art cost so much, fine art does make more money so they are trying to sell.

Art VS Graphic Design
-Ambiguity or Complexity of meaning
-The designer as wage labourer
-Cultural Significance
-Expression and individuality
-Creativity/Problem solving

-Art is more difficult to understand therefore it is worth more
-As Graphic Designers we work for people to briefs then we are not artistically free thinking

-Fine Art is more expressive and individual
-Fine Art creativity,Graphic design is problem solving
-Graphic Design their to seve a purpose and meaning that is somehow worth less then something (fine art) purposeless

Ambiguity or complexity of meaning
Sigmore Polke (1969) vs Manet (1882)
'Highest power demand, paint the top right corner black'- So he painted it black.
Art is made more interesting when it has a meaning behind it. Whereas Graphic Design is more obvious.

David Carson- Legibility & Allen hori (1989) Designers acting like artists having their own recognizable style
Allen hori image to deconstruct a poster, has no logic or coherant structure.

The Designer as Wage Labourer
Henry Wallace-Death of Chatterton that surrounds artists, the idea that an artist is better more creative then everyone else, therefore if we dont understand their work and dont buy it, and its our fault for their self destruction. Think they are trying to save the world then then they kill themselves because they dont have any money.
Vincent Van Gogh- Shot himself after never selling a single painting whilst he was alive.
Fine Art has always been commercial since the capitalisation, always been paid to do work.

Cultural Significance- Ephemerality
Graphics tries to be fashionable but then goes out of date, fine art is eternal. Graphic Design is throw awayable
Constable (1821) The haywain Represents anything that is English
Monetary Value:Fine artists think they are above money. Automatically makes it more important.
Post impressionate paintings said late 80's early 90's
Van Gogh sells to such a high price, then all of a sudden is known to be a brilliant Artist, Japanese buying them the people who were buying them were buying them with drugs money as paintings dont loose their value. So it looks less suspicious then having all the money. Wasnt bought for the love of the art or creativity factor.

Expression and Indivuality
Pollock (1947)

Creativity/Problem Solving
-The nation of creativity as 'irruption' is mistaken and mystified
-Both Graphics and art are two ways in which expense is made meaningful and visually communicated
-Neither is created in the above sense

Raymond Williamson (1961) 'The long revolution'
L'art pour L'art (art for the sake of art)
Whsitler (1872-7)

Monday 10 December 2012

OUGD405 Research,Collect, Prepare

Research Theme: Othello by William Shakespeare

The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice is a tragedy by William Shakespeare, believed to have been written in approximately 1603, and based on the Italian short story Un Capitano Moro ("A Moorish Captain") by Cinthio, a disciple of Boccaccio, first published in 1565. The work revolves around four central characters: Othello, a Moorish general in the Venetian army; his wife, Desdemona; his lieutenant, Cassio; and his trusted ensign, Iago. Because of its varied and current themes of racism, love, jealousy, and betrayal, Othello is still often performed in professional and community theatres alike and has been the basis for numerous operatic, film, and literary adaptations.

Key Facts 05 January 2013

full title  ·  The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice
author  · William Shakespeare

type of work · Play

genre · Tragedy

language · English

time and place written · Between 1601 and 1604, England

date of first publication ·  1622
publisher · Thomas Walkley
tone · Shakespeare clearly views the events of the play as tragic. He seems to view the marriage between Desdemona and Othello as noble and heroic, for the most part.

setting (time) · Late sixteenth century, during the wars between Venice and Turkey

setting (place) · Venice in Act I; the island of Cyprus thereafter

protagonist · Othello

major conflict · Othello and Desdemona marry and attempt to build a life together, despite their differences in age, race, and experience. Their marriage is sabotaged by the envious Iago, who convinces Othello that Desdemona is unfaithful.

rising action · Iago tells the audience of his scheme, arranges for Cassio to lose his position as lieutenant, and gradually insinuates to Othello that Desdemona is unfaithful.

climax · The climax occurs at the end of Act III, scene iii, when Othello kneels with Iago and vows not to change course until he has achieved bloody revenge.

falling action · Iago plants the handkerchief in Cassio’s room and later arranges a conversation with Cassio, which Othello watches and sees as “proof” that Cassio and Desdemona have slept together. Iago unsuccessfully attempts to kill Cassio, and Othello smothers Desdemona with a pillow. Emilia exposes Iago’s deceptions, Othello kills himself, and Iago is taken away to be tortured.

themes  · The incompatibility of military heroism and love; the danger of isolation

motifs · Sight and blindness; plants; animals; hell, demons, and monsters

symbols · The handkerchief; the song “Willow”

foreshadowing · Othello and Desdemona’s speeches about love foreshadow the disaster to come; Othello’s description of his past and of his wooing of Desdemona foreshadow his suicide speech; Desdemona’s “Willow” song and remarks to Emilia in Act IV, scene iii, foreshadow her death.

Books to look at:
 -Othello: Cartoon Shakespeare (Graphic Shakespeare) PaperBack
   William Shakespeare (Author), Oscar Zarate (Illustrator)

Othello Book Cover designs

From researching as there are many adaptation to this play, I wanted to look at the different visuals that had been designed and the main ones seemed to be the book/play covers. Each are completely different as they all have there own style, and portray the play subtley but appropriately. If you dont read the play then you wouldnt neccessarily understand the covers however majority of them become clear when you have.
10th December 2012

This theatre poster would have to be my favourite, the photographer has really caught the emotion within this mans eyes, and due to the play being a very passionate, emotion filled play it was important to capture it and that is shown evidently. Im not sure as to wether the rips in the poster are meant to be there however if they are i really love this idea. Its like visual concept of his life being ripped apart slowly which is what happens to Othello in the play.

Other imagery
10th December 2012

Due to the main themes within this play are racism, love, jealousy and betrayal. I have decided to look at the quotes within the play that represent this.

Watching and Reading

Too really understand the play I bought the original book from Amazon on Kindle so i could try get a feel for the play, however coming from a background of using modern day English i found understanding the play very difficult. To get around this aspect I decided to see if i could find and watch online any films that were in modern English.
This was the first film i came accross and watched. It was set with a young cast in a high school. Othello was called 'O' who was a successful basketball player for his school team, one of his 'friends' who was also on the team's father was the coach. The Coach considered 'O' to be like one of his own sons which infuriated his son, which is when all the lies spiral out of control and lives became disrupted. The film enlightened me to the story behind Othello. I knew full well this wasnt anything like the original however it allowed me to get a good idea of what i should expect. 
'O' (2001)
21st December 2012
Othello (1995)
28th December 2012

Above are the images of me watching the film.
I also watched a few cartoon versions of the film on youtube
18th December 2012

Another Clip I watched on Youtube about Othello was called
RSC - William Shakespeare (Abridged) 05 Othello Rap 
This was a rap which explained the story, it was light hearted and fun, i enjoyed watching this film.

Jealousy Quotes

10th December 2012

Quote #1
IAGO: One Michael Cassio, a Florentine,
A fellow almost damn'd in a fair wife;
That never set a squadron in the field,
Nor the division of a battle knows
More than a spinster; unless the bookish theoric,
Wherein the toged consuls can propose
As masterly as he: mere prattle, without practise,
Is all his soldiership. But he, sir, had the election:
And I, of whom his eyes had seen the proof
At Rhodes, at Cyprus and on other grounds
Christian and heathen, must be be-lee'd and calm'd
By debitor and creditor: this counter-caster,
He, in good time, must his lieutenant be (1.1.2)

Translation:Here, Iago claims he hates Othello because Othello passed him, Iago, over for a promotion, giving "one Michael Cassio" the job as his military lieutenant instead. Iago claims he's far more qualified than Cassio, who lacks Iago's experience on the field of battle. Clearly, Iago seems pretty jealous. But is this the real reason Iago sets out to destroy Othello? Or, is this merely an excuse to go after him? In other words, does Iago say all of this in order to manipulate Roderigo? (Roderigo, as we soon learn, is completely envious of Othello for marrying Desdemona.)

 Quote #2
I hate the Moor:
And it is thought abroad, that 'twixt my sheets
He has done my office: I know not if't be true;
But I, for mere suspicion in that kind,
Will do as if for surety. (1.3.12)

Now this is interesting. Earlier, Iago said he hates Othello because "the Moor" passed him over for a promotion. Yet, here, Iago says he hates Othello because he's heard a rumor that Othello has been hooking up with Iago's wife, Emilia, "twixt [Iago's] sheets." Iago says he doesn't exactly know if the rumor's true, but he's decided to go ahead and ruin Othello's life anyway. Seems like Iago has listed a couple of incompatible motives for seeking to destroy Othello, wouldn't you say? So, we're just not sure we can believe that Iago's jealous of Othello's supposed relationship with Emilia.

As the original play is in old English it makes it hard to understand what the play is about due to the fact i dont know how to read and understand so one of my starting points was to watch a film that was modern and up to date.
The first film i watched was 'O' which was made in 2001 and is set in a school centred around a basketball player called Odin.
Although it wasnt the best film i had ever watched it really enabled me to get an idea and grasb the idea of what shakespeare was portraying within his film. If it wasnt for the fact i had previously researched about what the play was about i dont think i would have been able to make perfect sense of the actual play. However putting the two together allowed me to understand this and have emphasis on the main point of love, betrayal, jealousy and racism.
During 2001 there was another film created that was based on this shakespearean play called othello except it is based within the police force it is told again in modern English.