Sunday 27 January 2013

OUGD401 Avante-Garde Cinema Lecture

-In oppostion to mainstream cinema
-Non linear/ non figurative/non narrative
-Open rather than closed- Create a meaning
-Requires a different kind of spectatorship

'Un Chien Andalou' (1929) Dir Luis Brunel
Surrealist movement
Most famous/influential
Took in turns, first thing come into their minds, helped to create the plot. Was helped by Salvidor Dali to create plots. still to this day people are making plays/ films like this

'Matthew Barney- Cremaster 3'
Surreal, non linear, visual metaphors (2002) Part 1

Oskar Fishinger-Spirals (1962)-Fragments of Experiments. Sensory overload- Abstract cinema this film was the catalyst for it. No people involved. Playing with optics, start to see colour. Hypnotic, become aware of seeing.

Lapis- James Whitby (1966) Lyrical film, poetic when being described many people write in poetry

Stan Brakhage-Black ice (1994)
Scratches, paints over film and plays it
Stan Brackhage- Mothwing 1963
Interesting film maker
Stan Brackhage window water baby moving

Andy Warhol Empire- Un watchable. 10 and a half hour film of the Empire State building. Using a static camera.
Films outside capatilism the film doesnt get as their no there to make money, so in essence they dont get watched.

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