Tuesday 19 February 2013

OUGD406 Communication is a virus

You have been given a task. You are required to produce a graphics response that engages with a specific audience. Your response should consider the context and environment in which you aim for it to be delivered. You will need to identify this as part of your initial concept proposal.

You should aim to identify, analyse and use existing means of distributions in order to select an appropriate method of communication.


In our group we came up with a culmination of ideas before we started to research, which was down to knowledge we knew all ready about this topic. From these ideas (dp blog) I wanted to start my research off by looking at a company called 'UK Tea Council' 
13th Feb 2013
 as there are some interesting facts about the topic. 
This quote from the front page of the website particularly interested me 'The UK Tea Council is an independent non-profit making body dedicated to promoting tea & its unique story for the benefit of those who produce, sell & enjoy tea.' as it is saying a similar thing to what we are aiming to do. In a sense that it is spreading and communicating information about Tea to people everywhere. It also promotes Tea rooms that are in the UK. This website has been the forefront for my initial research purely because it gives me facts and figures and information about tea that I didn't know about before.

I watched a video from this section that was called Tea: Fuel of the Nation (2012) and its about Britains relationship with the iconic drink that is tea.
Tuesday 13th Feb 2013
 It was a really fascinating short film about why people drink tea, and a lot of people explained they only did it because there parents did and its grown around them to drink it as an every day necessity.


Also on this website i had found a recipe for Green Tea Ice Cream
Tuesday 13th Feb 2013

This got me thinking about other types of tea, i.e flavours and methods

I watched a video on Youtube and it was about a Tea Expert called Jane Pettigrew who explains a few popular teas.
Tuesday 13th Feb 2013
 10,000 Different Variations of tea. These teas get broken down into different categories that determine brewing time and the correct water temperature, to make the perfect cup of tea.
 (above) White Tea- To make this tea the companies that produce this tea you pick the leafs and buds then leave to dry. Needs to be brewed at a heat temperature of 160 degrees for a bout 5 minutes.
 (above) Green Tea from Japan, is a tea which gets brewed badly so often. It is a very delicate tea again needs to be at a temp of 160 degrees so a general cool temperature for roughly 90 seconds to 120 seconds.

(above) Black tea- English Breakfast blend- Good for the mornings to get you going. Is a mixture of leafs from India and Sir-Lanka and you brew for a approx 3 Minutes.

Other Tea Varieties
  Oolong, Black/Red Tea, and Yellow tea

Going back to about reading about Tea Paraphernalia i remembered seeing a website about a mug that held the tea bag on to the side which would also strain your tea bag without having to use a spoon.

Tuesday 19th Feb 2013

The cup is designed by Samir Sufi

I thought this was an ingenious idea that is a simple concept.

Tea Packaging
13th Feb 2013

As i continued to search for interesting Tea Packages i came across a Graphic Designer called Sergiu Naslau who had created a blog called
which had some mind blowing packaging ideas on his page.

Whilst also looking at packaging i came across a company called 'Bubble Tea' http://www.bubbleteahousecompany.com/bubble-tea-as-a-business.asp
20th Feb 2013
Which specialises in tea, however its tea with a difference. This is tea that has a mixture of ingredients. Below is an image of there menu:


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