Sunday 24 February 2013

Democratic Lecture by Craig Oldham

What is Graphic design-Back to basics
A)  logical/ rationale- Designers that use logic,, utilise clarity and function, Rationale the communicative elements.
B) Emotional- Designers that use any and every form of communication available humour/wit

Brand spanking- People dont understand what branding actually is. People dont understand the context. Branding- Consistancy, not just a logo. ' The deeper you dig, the higher you rise'

Portfolio- The portfolio is probably the most subjective piece of work you will ever design. Be prepared for knock backs, not everyone will like your portfolio, but you need  to be happy with and justify what you have done.
Please dont be a Twat, Get a placement.
'There is a growing feeling amoung practitioners that theory is taking over from practise. Design graduates, many believe....'

'This biggest change has been a huge increase in student numbers the UK now produces an estimated 15,000 designers'

Why you should
Agency Insight
New expectations
Real work
Hone all your skills
Build bridges and meet some interesting folk
Put you ahead of the competition
Improve your tea making
Reassure you of your ability
Make you more confident

Why you shouldnt:
Make a loss money wise
Away for a period of time, more often than not, alone
Taken advantage off

Ok.Getting a placement
-Have a hit list
-Research Everything
-Talk to people who have neen through the experience

What to do when you are there
- Be punctual
-A little Enthusiasm goes a long way
-Be yourself
-Spell their fucking name right...

Design is not your job
20% of your day is design
your personality and the ability to make relationships in your work
Design is about relationships that is your job.

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