Sunday 21 October 2012

Post Modernism Lecture

Above are the notes we recieved during the lecture on PostModernism
(Additional notes to follow)

Term applied to a wide range of cultural analysis. Term used from 1970 to describe changes seen to take place in western society in culture from 1960
If modernism is roughly 1860-1960
Post Modernism 1960 till today
Modernism born out of optimism aspiration all reaction to world war 1
A reaction to these rules starts as a critique of the internal style
Robert Venturi, learning from Las Vegas 1972
Ideas deveoped by Charles
Only rule is that there are no rules
Celebrates what might otherwise be termed Kitsch
Postmodernism involves:
-Briolage mixing up styles and materials
Parody pastiche and Irony

Has an attitude of questioning conventions.
Postmodern aesthetics equals multilicit of styles  and aproaches
Theme of double coding, bowworing, or quoting from a number pf historical styles.
Knowing juxtapositions or post modernist irony
Questioning old limitations
Space for marginalised discourse
-Women sexual diversity in multicultualism
Le Corbusier chapel of notre dam
Madison's jaoul, neuilly sur seine 1954-6
Las Vegas thrives on simulation of America being a real society
Phillip Johnson, Sony Plaza New York 1978-84
Post Modernism is about the aesthetics rather then the function
Becoming a consumer society spending so much money on things because of what they look like, when in reality tree form may not be very good.
Andy Warhol Campbells Soup cans 1962
Rise in consumerism emergence of Pop art 
"In the furure eveyone will be famous for 15 minutes'
Jeff Koons, Dirty- Jeff on Top 1992
Jeff Koons Micheal a skin and bubbles 1988
Marcel Duchamp going back to the ready mades
Micheal Craig- Martin- An Oak tree 1973
Damien Hurst, Mother and child divided 1993
Tracey Emin My Bed 1998
Arbitury view of it by the sun
Sarah Lucas au natural 1994
Helmet krone for Doyle Volkswagen
Tested for the unexpected 1993 Tony Kaye Oglivy and Mather-Moving away from actual function
David Carson ray gun double page spread isnt legitable more about the look rather ten to be able to read
Grunge Lifestyle 
Barbara Kruger, I shop therefore i am 1987
Feminist artist media of graphic design but is it turning Fine art using typography.
Is it fine art or graphic design or is it just sponsored by Selfridges?
 Rachel Whiteread 1963- House 1993
Statement of living in the 90's social statement
Richard long a line walking 1967
A smell of sulphur in the wind 1945-1994
Richard Long divided by Bill Drummond

-Post Modern attitude of questioning conventions
- Postmodern aesthetic=multiplicity of styles and approaches
 - Shift in thought and Theory investigating 'crisis in confidence'
- Space for 'new voices'

 'That post modernism is indefinale is a truism.
However, it can be described as a set of critical, strategic and rhetorical practices employing concepts such as difference,repetition, the race, the simulacrum and hyper reality to destabilize other concepts such as presence, identity, historical progress, epistemic certainty , and the univocity of meaning'

The Future- Altermodern? 

'Coined by curator Nicolas Bourriaud on the occasion of the Tate Triennial 2009,
Altermodern is an in-progress redefinition of modernity in the era of globalization, 
which focuses on cultural translations and time-space crossings. Against cultural
standardization and massification but also opposed to nationalism's and cultural relativism,
Altermodern artists position themselves within the worlds cultural gaps.
Cultural translation, mental nomadism and format crossing are the main principles
of altermodern art. Viewing time as multiplicity rather than as a linear
progress, the altermodern artist navigates history as well as all the planetary time
zones producing links between signs faraway from each other. Altermodern is 
'docufictional' in that it explores the past and the present to create original paths
where boundaries between fiction and documentary are blurred. Formally
speaking, it favors processes and dynamic forms to one-dimensional single
objects and trajectories to static masses.'



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