Sunday 21 October 2012

Modernity and Modernism lecture with Richard Miles.

Wednesday 10th October
Unfortunately i missed this lecture, so these are notes that got handed out during this lecture:


Modernity is a historical phase, a post-traditional period.
Modernism means 'Of the moment'- Was a movement between 19th Century and Early 20th Century.
Previously described as 'The Contempory'. By this time the term 'modern' began to take on a flavour of something improved or better then before (Richard Miles 2012)
As times and technology have progressed, so has Art and Design.

John Ruskin in his volume of writings ‘Modern Painters’, was really using the term to refer to painters of the day.

Traditonally, lifes were dominated by factory work. However, due to urbanization, this has been regulated by dominence of industrial labour.

1900's technology changes:

-Washing Machines
-Electric lamps

All these were rapid changes in life, and so gave the impression of alienation. Being Alienated from people, and the world caused by the speed of modern life.
Modernism allowed for people to understand the world in a different way, see it from a different perspective and allowed for new concepts. However it meant life became less directly lived.
Anti-Historisicm: Neglecting traditional ways, it follow its function to the core, the materials speak for themselves and it is stripped down to the bare minimum.
How does modernity and modernism affect design?
Living in a world of minimalism and new technology. The world is forever changing and things need to be stripped to bare minimum in order for them not to date quickly.
An example of this is the bauhaus cutlery stripped down to bare minimum created in 1957 and the design is still used today.
21st october 2012
Another example is the Bauhous building. The windows were not put there for decoration, but for practical lighting space. We now live in a world where practicality comes before aesthetics.
21st October 2012
Typeface: Traditionally all typefaces sued to be very complex, and detailed with lots of detail.
Internationalism: a language of design that could be recognized on an international basis. However an example of a nationalist font is Times New Roman published in The Times Paper in 1932

21st October 2012
The introduction to mdoernism waas when sans serif came into their own. San serif is a very modernist font.

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