Thursday 11 October 2012

OUGD401 Study Task 1 Love and Hate

Examples of visual communication that you love and hate:

4th October 2012
 i like the old fashioned feel of this image with the dull colours in contrast with the blue which stands out. i like how random it is with the guns and the leg and the old photograph when normally having so much going on would normally make an image look to cluttered. i think it works so well due to the cleverly thought out positioning.


11th October 2012
I chose this logo as a piece  of visual communication that i didnt like for obvious reasons. I cant exactly say i hate a piece of work afterall i would hate for someone to have such a strong opinion in a negative away about my work. However this is a bad piece of design and it makes me wonder if this is a genuine logo or if it was purely done for the humour factor. Jokes aside i just dont see it as a good logo, the typeface used is plain, standard text it doesnt say anything about the restaurant and the colours are uninviting. The Logo itself is unwelcoming and theres too much going on proportionally  it just seems wrong, the logo looks too big for the text.

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