Wednesday 7 May 2014

OUGD501 CoP2 Evaluation

 Module Code 

 Module Title
Design Context



Sophie Abell

1.  What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

I feel as if my knowledge on different subjects have been improved massively by attending the lectures and seminars which has resulted in me being able to write in good detail analysing the different contextual issues relating to Graphic Design. I feel also that my writing ability has improved massively in being able to discuss thoroughly what I want to say with regards to what I have learnt by successfully relating it to works that have been done in the past.

2. What approaches to/methods of design production have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?

As I thoroughly enjoy packaging and branding I feel as if the knowledge I had learnt from lectures has shown through by successfully creating a Unisex product. Previously I have always never really made prototypes I have always gone from the idea/development stage and just made the final piece, however as my time management has improved this allowed me to make time to design the prototypes and then gone to making the final piece. I feel as if this has resulted in a more improved piece that works better. I know realize the importance of making time for prototypes to developing ideas more successfully.

3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?

 The biggest strength I believe is the confidence in being able to write to a high standard and not feel to worried about writing long pieces of text. As I chose the subject that I was going to write about as it was something that I am quite passionate about and have a general interest in allowed me to write to a higher degree because I had researched and read a lot of books that which gave me the ability to write to a higher standard. I also feel as if my research skills have improved not only with the practical side but also within the contextual aspect of design. As I feel the module has been successful I feel as if this is perhaps the reason why along with not feeling too rushed when completing it so, Research and time management will be something I will always make sure that is done to a high standard because I feel the result shows through.

4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future?

Biggest weakness would be craft skills, although I felt as if I had everything under control and I know what I wanted to do, I feel that my craft skills still lack in that it became a bit sloppy when it came to gluing. I wanted to steer clear of using white stock only because in a lot of my projects I always use a white stock, however a white stock seemed the most fitting, I did however experiment printing on acetate but then I came across the problem of being able to stick it to the bottles, and as I didn’t have the tools to rectify this issue I couldn’t do it. In future I will make sure I have printed spare copies that in the chance that I make an error I can rectify It as I have a back up.

5. Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?
-Blog- Although I was up to date with the study tasks and blogging all the sessions and lectures etc, I still feel as if I Could have perhaps done more blogging.
-Make spare copies so that it allowed me to make mistakes and have time to rectify them.
-Attend more crits, when it comes to both the essay and the practical side to make the most of the help that is at hand but also to help improve ideas and the design.
-Use coloured stock, to widen my design ability
- Ask for help, I always find essay writing daunting and a bit scary but as soon as I have spoke with someone I always feel better, so next time this is something that I will aim to do.

6.How would you grade yourself on the following areas:
(please indicate using an ‘x’) 

5= excellent, 4 = very good, 3 = good, 2 = average, 1 = poor









Quantity of work produced


Quality of work produced


Contribution to the group


The evaluation of your work is an important part of the assessment criteria and represents a percentage of the overall grade. It is essential that you give yourself enough time to complete your written evaluation fully and with appropriate depth and level of self-reflection. If you have any questions relating to the self evaluation process speak to a member of staff as soon as possible.

Tuesday 6 May 2014

OUGD501 CoP2 Synthesis

Context to Practical

As my essay was about a discrimination within advertising, I decided the best way to portray this was to design and brand some packaging that wouldn't discriminate against either gender. By doing so this allowed me to consider colours, fonts, style and design.

The products I chose to design packaging for was bath and shower cosmetics, a market which is heavily designed primarily for women, In contrast the male market that it uses the packaging is full of dark colours and minimal design. So  I wanted to create a brand that was colourful, decorative but suited both male and female.

I understand fully that some products and scents are for male or female, but there are plenty of stereotypically scents that men like as such do women, and deeper reality is that if a man uses a women's product it isn't going to turn that male into a female and vice versa, so why should such products be for one or the other.

OUGD501 CoP2 Studio Brief 2 Theory into Practice


‘In most lifestyle advertising, the setting serves in the interpretation of the person code. Social psychology describes this as the use of “stereotypes” rather then “prototypes.” A prototype is based on attributions about the personality or characteristics of a person (friendly, warm, intelligent). A stereotype is based in inferences about the relationship of the individual to the group or social context (class, status race, ethnicity, role relations, group membership), and the notion of group identity is implicit in judgments about the individual.’ (Leiss.W, Kline, S, Jhally, S 1990)

Above is a quote I included in my essay. 

From this I propose that I will create a range of packaging for bath and shower cosmetics that is designed for a unisex audience. By doing so it allows the audience to be whoever, any age, gender, religion etc and holds no sufficient reason to discriminate against anyone. 

The biggest gender divide in my opinion is cosmetics, at once men didn't seem to be so groomed etc but now in modern 21st century men from all over are taking pride in there opinion, using more and more products. That being said that could be because there has been an influx of negative discrimination towards men in the media resulting in men become more self conscious and aware of what they might have been like 50 years ago. I will do a range of bath and shower products because at the end of the day its soap, I never have understood why the majority of these projects are targeted primarily to women because anyone can use these products the only different is the scent, 9 times out of ten these scents don't stay on you anyway you only smell them when you a r in the shower anyway thats my personal opinion anyway.


I asked 20 males that given the choice would they prefer to use women deodorant products instead of those designed for men.

14 said they would prefer to use women
common reasons being that they work better, and smell nicer.
8 of those 14 men said they either still or have used Female designed deodorant in the past.

I asked the 6 who said they would only use men products why ? 
Common reasons being said 'embarrassing buying women products' 'never really thought about using women products'

Showing that 70% of men I asked don't really care too much about products that are designed to be mainly for men.

From this I decided to go to one of the biggest cosmetic shops 'Boots' to see the range of womens products to mens, and try and find unisex products..

Below are a few photos that I took from within Boots in Leeds city centre:

Mens Products:

 Female Products:

As you can see they are clear differences. The male section looks all dark, with numerous tones and shades of greys, blues, and green.. The female section lots of pink, gold, orange and cream. From such a young age it is as if when we have been born we are already programmed to believe that blue is for boys and pink is for girls, and i think for the foreseeable future that is still always going to be the same. However theres hundreds of other colours so why do males get  dark pretty plain straight forward packaging and females are given decorative colourful bottles and labels. This type of packaging just instills this divide between male and female, keeping females feminine and males being masculine, which makes me question what is wrong with a masculine female and a feline male. But again why should a 'feminine male' be given a name such a feminine what exactly makes that male feminine.. Its a viscous circle but deep down why should anyone be branded in a certain way. At the end of the day I truly believe you are who you are name or no name what does it matter as long as your happy and proud of who you are.

I found it really hard to find unisex bath and shower products within the store, so I decided to go onto researching on the internet not only for products but also at anti discrimination campaigns Below is what I found:

Discrimination Ads:

When thinking about what I could do for this brief, I was discussing with a friend about the cigarettes she was smoking. The cigarettes were called 'Vogue' the thing that caught my eye was the packaging i was intrigued as to wether they were branded because of the fashion magazine, if they were part of the same company, and what they were about. So I did sone research on them: 

Taken from wikipedia
Vogue is an upmarket brand of cigarette available in several varieties, including regular, menthol and lights. Vogue cigarettes are marketed in both king size and super slim, which is about 100mm long and thinner than a standard size cigarette. The brand is owned byBritish American Tobacco.[1] Vogue cigarette brand belongs to a decorative or fashionable kind on the cigarettes market and is sold primarily to women. The Vogue cigarette's style was based on the 1950s couture captured by Henry Clarke. The distinctive design of the package is intended to symbolize elegance, class and refinement. The brand is a clear example of how cigarette companies target specific groups with their products, despite strong scientific evidence showing smoking having highly detrimental effects on human health – in the US alone, it is estimated that 173,940 women die from smoking-related causes each year.[2]
Singer Madonna is shown smoking a Vogue brand cigarette in the video for her 1990 single Vogue.


In 1999,[dubious ] the line of Vogue cigarettes emerged from an alliance of the British American Tobacco company with its American opponent Rothmans International companies. The ‘Vogue Superslims’ and ‘Vogue Superslims Menthol’ were launched in 1987. This trademark remains in a stable position on the market for women.
In 2005, Lilas, Bleue and Menthe, which formed the Vogue Arome line, were added to the main line of Vogue cigarettes. They achieved great success and up to 2006 the whole series of Vogue Arome was stocked on the European market. In March 2007, Vogue Blanche and Vogue Noire were launched.
The manufacturers announced a complete image renewal in August 2007.

Cleverly packaged are these cigarettes because I someone who is aware of advertising and the key things that draw people in I was still interested in what they were, because the design of the packing is in fact decorative and clean but also really feminine. It does however make it seem quite glamorous which isn't exactly right when it comes to such an item which damages your health.

I did however come across this form of Cigarette by big brand YSL and I was appalled because this just epitomises whats wrong with the industry and really is glamourising such a product when the sole purpose for Yves Saint Laurent is high fashion
'evere health complications, like cancer and emphysema appear to be of no care for Yves Saint Laurent, which is set to start promotions and sales of limited edition cigarettes under its logo.
The exclusive cigarettes which will be packed in refined black packs with gold embossment will be sold in Russia and Asian countries, where smoking is still in vogue.
 Yves Saint Laurent cigarettes
Sales will be accompanied by advertising campaign, which comprises a model, resembling Kate Moss, one of the most famous chain smokers in high fashion, who was massively criticized by anti-smoking community for smoking on the catwalk during the Louis Vuitton show several months ago.
Online cigarette stores, which offer the designer’s cigarettes for nearly $50 per a carton of 200 cigarettes, state first launch of YSL cigarettes was in 1989.
Adverts lure potential consumers saying that the brand’s “philosophy is to provide their cigarettes with a classic sophisticated look.”
The ads also say that Yves Saint Laurent cigarettes appeal to female vanity, therefore, making the ladies who prefer smoking these cigarettes more beautiful than those who smoke other cigarettes or those who don’t smoke at all.
Such messages are a major shock for such nations as the United Kingdom, Australia and the United States, where millions are spent on anti-smoking campaigns in order to help reduce the smoking rates and prevent smoking-related diseases.
Deborah Arnott, president of Action on Smoking and Health, stated that it’s a shame for such company as Yves Saint Laurent.
She said during an interview with MailOnline that after the ban on tobacco advertisements which prohibits any sponsorship, promotions or advertisements of tobacco products was implemented smoking among young adults and teenagers was reduced by 30 percent.
YSL cigarettes
“Yves St Laurent cigarettes will not be legally sold in the United Kingdom, since tobacco companies are prohibited from turning to brand-sharing to encourage smoking in the country, as well as in most European nations,” noted Arnott.
“It is grievous that in Russia and many Asian countries people are not protected from such appeals by the tobacco industry, and trendy brands like YSL might be used to encourage smoking ,which would result in severe health complications for them,” she added.
According to the American Lung Association figures, nearly 430,000 people across the US pass away annually due to smoking-related diseases, such as cancer, emphysema and heart attacks.
Yves Saint Laurent, who passed away in 2008, is famous for naming a tuxedo for women Le Smoking in 1966. This design is still a major trend in high fashion.
Yves Saint Laurent follows the steps of Pierre Cardin and Cartier, which also have agreements with tobacco companies allowing their brand names to be used in limited editions of cigarette brands.

My initial idea was to create a product like above but do the reverse so for example take Vogue cigarettes and create a male range.. However I thought about it some more and realised that is there any need for these products to be separated into categories. If i had done that then I am being hypocritical towards my thoughts and views on this matter which i state within my essay.
Therefore with further thought on the matter I thought about my final outcome which I state above to create a range of products that can be suited towards both male and female.
When starting my research I came across Sam Farmer product range which was pretty much what I wanted to do.. This is an explanation of what he thought and why he did what he did: 
"Being a stay at home Dad, I went to buy my kids their first teenage personal care products.  Having seen the rows of products, pink, pouty and submissive packaging aimed at my daughter and steel grey, macho stuff intended for my son, I left determined to do something about it.
I went back to school, studied cosmetic science and have formulated a unisex range, specifically adolescent skin and hair.
Sexual Stereotyping - NO
SAMFARMER - Bodywashing, not brainwashing
When selecting ingredients for the formulations, I'm focused on the cosmetic science not marketing misinformation.  Answers to questions regarding individual ingredients can be seen by clicking on the 'Education' tab.
Why call it SAMFARMER?
I'm fed up with not knowing who is responsible for a product or faceless call centres.  So my name's on the front and my phone number is
Something to consider when it comes to designing the labels this question was asked on his website:

Being a fan of your products and message, I wonder if you could shed somelight on this for me. Is there any way to verify a company's product's legitimacy? For example, a brand could set up a website, list all their "amazing ingredients", claim to be made in Britain, be SLS, Paraben or Petrolatum (and other bad booboo ingredients) free, but is there a way for consumers to easily check that what they put on the packaging is what they actually put in the bottle?

Cosmetic legislation, in relation to labelling, is a fairly large topic but I will focus on your question relating to specific listings.  When it comes to mandatory labelling, this is dealt with under Article 19 of the cosmetics Regulation 1223/2009.  
Ingredients are required to be labelled on the outer packaging, each one has to be listed in descending order of concentration down to 1%, then they can be listed in any order, finally any colours are listed at the end.  To avoid any confusion that might occur for ingredients the INCI (International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients) list is used for labelling.  This means that the ingredients are called the same thing in all EU countries.  
On the outer packaging the country where the product was made has to be listed.  You will see on the back of mine it clearly states 'Made in UK'.
Each company has to have a 'responsible person' for their products.  This is where the buck stops, who is personally responsible for making sure the products comply with all of the rules and regulations.  For SAMFARMER it's me, Sam Farmer and my company and postcode are also listed on the packaging.

As for claims made to a products' efficacy, these are pretty open to interpretation as they are usually created by marketing departments rather than the scientists who formulate them.  Word of mouth or beauty blogs are a great way of hearing about how well something works but it might be different for you.  The best way of finding out if a products' claim delivers, is to try it yourself.
The EU is also tightening up on the 'Free from...' claims, as it implies that the ingredients brands choose to be 'free from' are somehow 'dangerous'. This is not the case and the word 'nasty' doesn't mean anything in cosmetic chemistry. It's all about concentration in formulation, personal choice and which ingredients work for you and which don't.  Confusion can arise when It's left to a marketing department to explain the complex chemistry involved in formulations. 
I'm rambling now so I'll finish off.  To summarise, check the INCI list on the packaging and you will see what is in each product and get an idea of the concentration used in each formulation. If you want to avoid a certain ingredient you can check to see if it's listed. Product packaging should all have a country of origin listed as well.  More information can be obtained from the Name and EU address printed on the outer packaging.
If you have a specific worry about a company's legitamacy, Trading Standards is where you should go.
Please keep in touch and if you need any more information just shout. 
Sam x
The Product: 

I thought this was a great English product that represents my thoughts on this stereotyping.. Although his audience is primarily for teenagers it still doesn't appear to be restricted too much. I appreciate the colour codes used and the big Letters that represent what each product was with I feel as if it truly does look unisex but also doesn't look too plain and boring as if because its unisex it needs to be made to look like its for robots.

Unisex Products and packaging

My Packaging