Wednesday 14 January 2015

OUGD601 COP3 Evaluation

End of module self evaluation

Name: Sophie Abell

What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

With regards to the written side, I feel as if my writing skills and theoretical understanding has improved by extensive research. I realise the importance of using books for research purposes.  In respect to the practical side I feel as I have developed my web design skills as normally I try to avoid doing web design projects so by doing my whole practical side on web has been very eye opening and interesting. I would have liked to of physically produced the website however my skills in that area are not great at all so this could be something I could expand on in the future.

What approaches to/methods of your design development process?

I researched into already produced websites for inspiration, I also looked at websites that were similar to my own and quickly realised that all the sites done before had too much information and looked quite cluttered so I realised that for my website I wanted it to be stripped back and simplified, using simple imagery and not a lot of text.

What strengths can you identify in your work and how/have will you capitalise on these?

I think the strengths is the concept behind it, also as I wouldn’t normally design for web I thought that this was quite eye opening and I realise that although it needs work it is something that I can take with me in the future and improve. 

4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in future?

The biggest weakness Is probably the fact that I didn’t produce the website, I wish I could have however admittedly I didn’t organize my time correctly and spent too much time on the written piece which left the practical side neglected. So in the future I will look into practicing building websites on Dreamweaver but also time management.

5. Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?

Time Management- I will make sure that I thoroughly plan my time effectively so I don’t neglect one project to the other.
Produce the website- I would like to produce the website using dream weaver so I would need to teach my self-how to use it so I can do this. I think it would have explained my idea better
Produce a design for different types of technology such as tablets and mobile. I only had desktop screen design in mind rather then mobile and tablet so this is something I would look into to develop my concept.
Research I feel as if again research has not been as thorough as it could have been If I had researched into different avenues more thoroughly then the end result would have been different.
Development I neglected the development side, when it came to the final design as a knock on effect from the time management or lack of, so equally if I plan my time right I will have more time to develop.

How would you grade yourself on the following areas?

 5=excellent, 4= Very good, 3=good 2=average, 1=Poor

Attendance                                4   
Punctuality                                4
Motivation                                 3
Commitent                                 3
Quantity of work produced  2
Quality of work produced     3

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