Thursday 6 February 2014

OUGD505 Study task 2 Layout Research

You will produce at least one mock up, with content and initial layout ideas, of your publication for the crit on the 26th. Ideally, this product will act as a proof before you go to print, so you can get an idea of how the content and the layout are working and so minor issues (such as typos) can be rooted out. Although bringing unbound pages can be useful, a mock up of the publication itself is most useful, so do make a mock up of this product. Note that this does not mean that you have to use the same stock or even the same binding technique -- but a good physical representation is what we are after. We don't expect you to have all the research done at this point; however, we do expect it to be quite advanced. Please expect for these mock ups to be written on.

This is also an opportunity to improve upon your crafting skills. As such, we want you to create packaging to house your publication -- at least three nets -- in order to hone crafting skills as well as your design for packaging skills. Please bring these constructed net mock ups as well as your publication mock ups to the crit on the 26th.

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