Thursday 6 February 2014

OUGD505 Study task 2 Layout Research

You will produce at least one mock up, with content and initial layout ideas, of your publication for the crit on the 26th. Ideally, this product will act as a proof before you go to print, so you can get an idea of how the content and the layout are working and so minor issues (such as typos) can be rooted out. Although bringing unbound pages can be useful, a mock up of the publication itself is most useful, so do make a mock up of this product. Note that this does not mean that you have to use the same stock or even the same binding technique -- but a good physical representation is what we are after. We don't expect you to have all the research done at this point; however, we do expect it to be quite advanced. Please expect for these mock ups to be written on.

This is also an opportunity to improve upon your crafting skills. As such, we want you to create packaging to house your publication -- at least three nets -- in order to hone crafting skills as well as your design for packaging skills. Please bring these constructed net mock ups as well as your publication mock ups to the crit on the 26th.

OUGD503 Responsive Studio Brief 2 Collab Brief

In this collaboration brief I am working with Abi Nelson. The following briefs are the three briefs we have chosen to look at.

Brief 1
Create a launch campaign for a new functional water range from Boost Drinks. 

In a market dominated by skydiving astronauts, high octane adrenaline and middle class celebrity rappers, how on earth do you make your energy drink stand out? By offering an everyday energy kick to us normal folk that’s called Boost!
Boost is an everyday energy drink without the nonsense. Overall, it’s
a fun, youthful and energetic brand at heart, recruiting new users through developing a consumer brand that engages and resonates.
We offer a range of great tasting performance and energy drinks that give consumers a long-lasting energy boost. Boost differs from the competition in that it is only sold through independent retailers as opposed to supermarkets. The drinks come in a variety of flavours, and there are different Boosts for different needs.

Boost offers considerably more value for money than the other leading performance drinks out there, such as Red Bull and Relentless - so as well as being great tasting, it also won’t break the bank. We just offer value for money to consumers.
The Current Range
There are currently three key lines of energy drink in a range of sizes; from 250ml cans to 1litre bottles. The three key lines are: Energy for
the mind (as well as Sugar Free, Energy Cola, Energy Citrus and Energy Orange & Mango), Active for people who need a glucose boost (Original and Orange) and Sport for rehydration (in Mixed Berry, Tropical Berry and Orange flavour).

The Creative Challenge
There has been an emerging trend in the soft drinks market toward healthier drinks that use natural energy and waters fortified with added vitamins. This trend has been tapped into by a number of brands such as Lucozade and Coke with the launch of Revive and Vitamin Water respectively. Your challenge is twofold:
Firstly, put together a range of up to six functional waters recommending flavours and potential benefits. (We will provide a flavour/functional guide in the student pack)
Secondly, take your recommended product ingredients and create a new brand and launch campaign to bring your new range of Boost functional waters to market, and demonstrate the functional benefits throughout your comms.
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Currently, Boost is promoted through posters, press and radio, with a heavy leaning towards social and digital channels. However, we want great ideas so do not feel restricted to these forms. On a practical level, the new drink would require point-of-sale materials, from shelving units through to branded bags and innovative sampling ideas.
Tone of Voice
In 2013 we launched the ‘Boost Up Yourself’ campaign, and expressed this through irreverent headlines that we call ‘Boostisms.’ A Boostism is a satirical factoid about Boost. For example, a ‘Boost dropkicks tiredness in the face’, or ‘Boost does to tiredness what dogs do to lampposts.’ They’re outlandish, bravado-fuelled, and quite possibly true statements about Boost. However, again do not feel restricted by this. We are open- minded and happy to see work that pushes our brand, as well as work that falls in with current activity.
Creative Requirements
A name for the product, packaging design, as well as art direction and copy is required for a consumer facing launch campaign. As a basis, the creative concepts for the campaign should contain key messages across a range of creative. Elements such as press advertising, packaging designs, point-of-sale, sampling ideas and digital assets should be designed and conceptualised in accordance with the Boost brand guidelines (part of the downloadable pack).
The Target Audience
Primarily, this product would be aimed at a health-aware, 16-25 female market who is looking for a healthy energy boost and vitamin release. These wouldn’t be women that are dedicated to going to the gym, and hyper-sensitive to health issues, just normal women that are aware of choosing products with natural benefits. Whilst there would be a female bias, we don’t want to exclude our core 16-25 year old male drinkers.
Boost operates a Value-Better-Best approach where Boost is the better mid-market position product, and is priced accordingly.
Please make sure that the Boost logo is used with consideration to the brand guidelines. As this is a completely new product for Boost, colours and packaging is left entirely up to you. We would also ask you to
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consider how you promote the product to the independent retailers, as well as the end consumer.
Deliverables, Artwork and Additional Information
For guidance on how to submit your work, please adhere to the main deliverables information which can be found at the YCN website -
Any additional information referenced in the brief can be found in the supporting project pack. 

Brief 2

Write creative messages that will stand out in our stores.
Loved by celebrities and stylists alike, Oasis, the contemporary, high street fashion brand, is renowned for innovative and stylish women’s fashion with a focus on feminine design detail, unique prints, vibrant colours and gorgeous dresses. Our DNA is clear: feminine, contemporary, confident, stylish and fun! Design has always been the heartbeat of what we do. We love print, we embrace colour, we love detail and above all else we are a brand that makes you smile.
Creative Challenge
Oasis’ innovative in-store and online initiatives make shopping social. We offer so many great services to our customer, some of which are unique to the high street and we want to shout about it!
The challenge is to write a suite of service messages that will stand out in our stores. Your messages should have a non-seasonal focus and be-able to come across various channels - from in-store to online.
Stay true to our brand and appeal to the Oasis girl. You are free to bring your messages to life as you see fit. You may just wish to write them down in words, or to go to greater lengths to bring them to life visually using design and illustration. First and foremost we are looking for strong written messaging, but if you have ideas for how your messages can look visually, then we’d love to see them too.
Below are the key messages we want to get across. You should get creative with words and bring these messages to life! Think about the contexts in which the customer will come across them. How can we engage them? how can we surprise them? How can we delight them? Have fun with it!
  • Time slot delivery. (We offer delivery slots at a time that suits you)
  • We accept paypal in store (just download the app)
  • Personal stylist in store (We offer personal shopping experiences
    in selected stores)
  • Student discount 15% off all year round (With a valid NUS card)
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  • Cant find your size? We will track it down and deliver it for free
  • Free wifi in store
  • Gift cards
  • My Oasis Card (apply for a loyalty card to make shopping even
  • We love social (follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest,
    Instagram & Google plus)
    Target Audience
    The Oasis customer is girly and fun with a passion for fashion and style.
    Our tone of voice is chatty, playful, casual and friendly. We love to make you smile! We want to speak like our customer’s best friend.
    Where appropriate please use our logo, and URL and feel free to incorporate our social icons too.
    Deliverables, Artwork and Additional Information
    For guidance on how to submit your work, please adhere to the main deliverables information which can be found at the YCN website -
    Any additional information referenced in the brief can be found in the supporting project pack. 

    Brief 3

    Create an experiential event to drive awareness of Petplan among pet owners across the UK. 

Launched in 1976 by pet owner, Patsy Bloom, Petplan is the UK’s largest pet insurer and has been providing the nations pets with the most comprehensive cover for over 36 years.
Insuring hundreds of thousands of animals, including cats, dogs and rabbits. Petplan is a specialist insurer and has been instrumental in shaping the industry. Petplan has two types of cover for consumers to choose from, Covered For Life and Petplan Essential. Petplan Covered For Life policies are designed to offer the best possible cover for accidents and illness; including long-term and reoccurring conditions - therefore it is a core feature of Petplan’s messaging.
Petplan’s business model is based on generating free cover leads through intermediary channels such as vets, breeders and animal charities. Petplan works with over 4,000 vet practices across the country and is recommended by 9/10 vets. Petplan policies are also recommended
by more breeders and animal charities than any other provider. These organisations provide four weeks’ free Petplan insurance to pet owners and we then try and convert these leads into full paid for policies.
In order to grow awareness and consideration, Petplan launched a brand refresh in January. The campaign includes a new TV advert, featuring over 45 different breeds of dogs, cats and rabbits, highlighting our breadth of expertise and knowledge of pets and their health needs
and features the advert and all other marketing communications are underpinned by the new brand sign-off “Every pet deserves Petplan” which uses a Petplan tag to reinforce the peace of mind that Petplan provides.
The Opportunity
Approximately 12 million households in the UK own at least one pet, of these pet owners two fifths have pet insurance this provides an opportunity to educate the responsible uninsured of the benefit’s of insurance.
Awareness within the consumer channel is growing following the launch of our new TV advert earlier this year. Recent results show that Petplan is one of the most often recalled brand for pet insurance, alongside supermarket brands such as Tesco. We want to continue to grow awareness of the brand further and reach uninsured pet owners.
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The Creative Challenge
We would like you to create an integrated consumer facing experiential event for summer (August and September) 2014 which allows us to drive brand awareness, communicate with pet owners across the UK and demonstrate Petplan’s expertise and knowledge. The event should be innovative and market leading, driving sustained PR coverage over its duration.
The event itself can be big or small but remember that we’re looking to target pet lovers and grow our brand awareness, so the location will need to be carefully considered. We’re happy for you to think creatively, whether this be pop up stands in pet stores, a large scale festival for pet owners or something completely different.
The Target
Target audience/Customer profile:
The existing customer base can be outlined as our real heartland:
  • 60% female
  • ABC1
  • Geographically split across the country – with strong pockets of
    penetration in the South West and South East. Least penetration
    is seen in London.
  • Aged 30-50
  • Financially savvy individuals who are risk averse
  • We’re not the cheapest in the market and we don’t trade/
    promote based on price. The pet is seen as part of the family
    – owners will do anything for their animal to ensure it has the best level of cover they can afford. Often they will forego their luxuries, preferring to pamper their pooch instead of themselves.

    All event collateral must adhere to brand guidelines and include the use of the strap line “Every pet deserves Petplan”.
3 YCN Student Awards 2013/14
More Information
Our Website:
Facebook: Twitter:
You Tube channel:

Deliverables, Artwork and Additional Information
For guidance on how to submit your work, please adhere to the main deliverables information which can be found at the YCN website -
Any additional information referenced in the brief can be found in the
supporting project pack. 

Tuesday 4 February 2014

OUGD505 Board Workshop

What shouldn't go on Design Boards

-Initial Sketches- Not relevant. Just want to see the end product
-1st person
-Spelling mistakes-Typos
-Food stains/ watermarks
-If printer hasn't printed well, then re-print it
-Got to have good image quality-Print res
-Text needs to be legible
-Too much text. T.L.D.R (Too long didnt read)
-Go back and check, to take text out. Visuals not loads of text. Visually communicate
-Have some text, its not a scrapbook. What stock? what processes? typeface? Colour- Pantone? How is it bound? Dimensions ? Size? Balance the text with the images
-Just as important to think about content on the board as the actual product.

Things that should have on a board

-Number the boards
-Final work. Your final work. End product
-Decent quality-Photos correct so you dont have to play in Photoshop- Decent Photographs
-Consistency throughout
-Branding your boards
-Research good design boards
-Depending on your project will depend on the content
-No more then 5 or 6 boards
-Always get feedback on your boards. Check them get others to check them. This is just as important as your final product.

Feedback on Research Boards

-Keep a consistent layout throughout the set- It will look much better together
-Text alignment is inconsistent with the rest of the boards
-Needs a name and board number
-Has a grid been used?

-Image quality low
-Maybe too much info on this page
-Needs a name and number
-Alignment is too close to the edge

-Too much type on this page
-Layout is a little inconsistent
-Needs breaking up
-Is the web address necessary
-Image quality 

 -Keep spacing and layout consistent
-Images too close to the edge of the page
-Image quality
-No name or title
-No text

-No board number or name
-Think about spacing and keeping it consistent
-Good balance between images and text
-Inconsistent titles and alignment

 Is the reference relevant ?
-Last 2 boards have a good consistent layout, make sure the rest of the boards are as well.

Final Board Feedback

-Speaking in 1st person
-What is your concept-In context audience, colour, type, stock?

 -Needs a heading and title
-A little text needed for the reasoning of showing the images
-Heading/ TItle
- No text

-No Text

Title, text, name/number

Missing title, name, board number and text to explain on all pages
Maybe better quality images
Probably missing explanations, concept, distribution, context, audience, colour, type, stock?

 Title, namer board numbers-All pages
what is the concept
Probably missing a couple of boards showing development and research audience, colours, type?
Would present better if mocked up on screens.

Monday 3 February 2014

OUGD505 Study Task 1

The Research theme i had chosen was Crystals, I decided to do crystals as recently I had received some Swarovski Jewellery as a gift but I had also watched the film blood diamond. This gave me the inspiration to research into these stones. Ive always heard of the brand Swarovski but never truly understood the fascination with expensive stones so I thought that this would be an interesting topic to have. Also after watching the film blood diamond emphasised why because that gave me an insight of how sought after stones such as diamonds were.

Research board 1
Mind map-Possible directions i could go in along with a scientific explanation of what a crystal is.

 Research board 2
History of Swarovski Crystal with the list and names of different coloured stones

Research board 3
Graphic designs that have been inspired by Crystals

 Research board 4

20 Facts about Crystals

Design board 5
More work inspired. The right images are of some geometric inspired design but i love the use of colours which also keys in with the idea of Crystals

Research board 6

Imagery of different Crystals, all unique and varying in colour