Friday 15 November 2013

OUGD504 Print Seminar with Amber

Chronologies Print
Print definitions
1. To produce by applying inked types, plates, blocks, or the like to paper or other material either by direct pressure.
2. To reproduce by engraving on a plate or block
3. To form a design or pattern upon, as by stamping with an engraved plate or block to print calico
4. To cause a manuscript, text to be published in print

"I love a ballad in print alive, for then we are sure they are true" Shakespeare

If it is print then it is seen to be true.
It is correct. It is factual.

Documentation. Communication. Reproduction.
It is correct. It is factual.

200AD woodcut print, one of the earliest prints
Woodcut earliest print technique that we know.
Europe started printing 1,500 years laters.

First printed book 650AD from China (Buddhism) Forms a community as religion attracts people. Religion has money

Mass Communication
First movable type 1000AD - Asia
Guggenheim Press
Literacy Boom
Upperclass who could read and write, where as the lower classes started become aware of the importance of learning to read and write. 

The Medium is the Message
Marshall McLuhan 1911-190
Predicted the world wide web 30 years before it became into fruition.
Through language and reading technology socially how it has changed. Explored this and the new technologies. Ultimately this press and this form of press. He explored into individualism, democracy, capitalism and nationalism.

Linotype- Revolutionised the world of printing. Type something and it would come out as a solid block of type, rather then letterpress where the characters are individual however this was no more with Linotype. Line casting. late 1800- 1960/70's popular with newspaper publishing.

First Etching- Religious theme Mass communication happened with image printing as it was visual.


Daily Star-2010 This paper is aimed particularly demographic its essentially propaganda.

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