Thursday 17 October 2013

OUGD504 Design Production Design for Print

Produce an approriately designed 'info-pack' of things to know, consider or remember in order to produce successful Design for Print. You should use the seminars and tasks from the module as a starting point for your own individual/independent investigation of the methods, processes and formats that can be used to create innovative but practical solutions to print based design briefs and all aspects of print- based delivery.

For submission and assessment you will also be required to select, summarise and evaluate appropriate primary & secondary source material and submit it in an appropriately designed and produce graphic format that reflects your cretaive and technical appreciation of graphic design.  Your submission should demonstrate your understanding of print processes, conventions and creative options from the perspective of a graphic designer. It should also demonstrates your ability to effectively organise and present a body information in a designed format. As well as presenting your resolution you should  upload a multi page pdf version to your Design Practice & Design Context blog via 'Issuu'. See additional briefings for further information.
Commercial print processes are of concern to you especially as, at times, you will have to relinquish the hands –on production control of your work for a more specification/managerial role.
  • Your research will be informed by the seminars delivered as part of the module but how much more can you find out?

  • What do you need to know about print production and what is relevant to your own practice?

  • How do you communicate your research in a way that is reflective of your creative ambitions.

  • Your considered opinion is important. You should use appropriate examples of professional creative practice in order to demonstrate your breadth and depth of understanding

Different methods of Printing.

Screen Printing: 17th October 2013

Cyanotype- 17th October 2013

We begin by making our artwork as a negative as opposed to a positive like we would do with screenprinting. This way, areas which are black will block the light and appear white [or the colour of the media] on the print.
A light sensitive solution is made up from 2 different chemicals mixed with water. As you would coat a screen in light sensitive emultion, here we coat directly onto the paper with this solution then leave to dry in a dark room environment.
We then expose UV light through the negative onto the prepared paper. Here, we’re using the exposure unit for exposing artwork onto our silk screens. The beauty of using an exposure unit designed for exposing silk screens, is that we can control exactly how much UV Light we want to expose with, as this can have a big effect on the final print.
As if by magic your artwork immediately appears as a positive on your paper once exposed to the UV light!!
The light yellow green areas are where the light has been blocked out by your negative. These unexposed areas need to be washed out under cold water ‘fixing’ your artwork so it is no longer light sensitive. This turns this greenish hue in a beautiful prussian blue and the unexposed lighter colour washed away to the colour of the paper!

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